The Clench Relief Mouth Piece PRO RX is the gateway to your patients TMJ health!   Make your custom fit orthotic in minutes, chair-side  with no lab.  Sounds too simple to be true?
The Clench Relief Mouth Piece PRO RX is the gateway to your patients TMJ health!   Make your custom fit orthotic in minutes, chair-side  with no lab.  Sounds too simple to be true?
ClenchRelief Mouthpiece with number 2 anterior alignment guide and fit material
ClenchRelief logo complete - horizontal orientation - Brandeis blue colour

The Clench Relief Mouth Piece PRO RX is a custom-fit mouthguard which allows the user to achieve a jaw position that protects teeth and restorations from injury due to clenching, grinding, and bruxism.
The product also provides temporary relief of TMD and bruxism by reducing muscle tension and allows for temporary treatment of TMD along with the relief of associated headaches and pains.
The Clench Relief Mouth Piece PRO RX frame is designed to help reposition the lower jaw into a place of low muscle activity and decompress the jaw joint.
It allows the back molars to bite in a centered and forward position that decreases muscle activity and de-compresses the jaw joint allowing the disc to remain on the condyle of the jaw which can help alleviate popping and clicking.

Patient wearing ClenchRelief mouthpiece

It achieves this by using an anterior alignment guide that allows the patient’s front top and bottom central incisors to position and center themselves inside the groove of the alignment guide. We achieve a custom fit using the PVS which hardens in approximately 2-3 minutes!  Once it hardens around the posterior teeth, the alignment guide is removed thus removing any contact with the anterior teeth and contact remains only on the posterior teeth.  This is the desired optimized jaw position!

Get ClenchRelief Pro RX Mouthpiece now!

Whats so special about the CRAG?

The innovative aspect of the Clench Relief process lies in the use of the Clench Relief Alignment Guide, which plays a crucial role in achieving the desired jaw position The alignment guide allows for just the posterior molars to remain in contact as the CRAG is removed once the PVS hardens around the posterior teeth

ClenchRelief number 2 anterior alignment guide or CRAG

Here's a breakdown of why the above CRAG is considered innovative:

1-Optimised Lower Jaw Position

The Clench Relief Alignment Guide is designed to bring the lower jaw into a specific position – down and forward. This position is aimed at relaxing the muscles and aligning the jaw in a way that reduces tension and stress, thus minimizing the urge to clench and grind the teeth. During set-up, the patient should close gently on the alignment guide allowing the lower jaw to be centered with the face and hovering above the wear facets of the upper and lower anterior teeth.

2.    Maintaining Jaw Position:

While the PVS (Polyvinyl Siloxane) material sets, the 2mm thick alignment guide holds the lower jaw in this down and forward relaxed position. This allows the PVS material to fill in the space that exists from the reverse curve of Spee  between the molars.

3.    Optimal Occlusion:

By holding the jaw in the desired position, the Clench Relief Alignment Guide ensures that the posterior occlusion (contact between the back teeth) is balanced and the anterior (front) teeth do not make contact with the lower jaw. This balanced occlusion is important for muscle tension relief and fluid jaw comfort..  No occlusal adjustment is needed.

4.    Precision Custom Fit:

The combination of the relaxed jaw position enforced by the alignment guide and the setting of the PVS material results in a mouthpiece that is custom-fit as the impression material shapes to the patients unique tooth anatomy. This precision fit enhances the effectiveness of the mouthpiece in providing relief from clenching, grinding, or TMJ-related issues.

5.    Remove the Anterior Alignment Guide:

Once the PVS material is fully set, the alignment guide is removed. which allows for the aligned posterior contact.  Trim  any excess  PVS material, ensuring a comfortable and functional fit for the patient.

Overall, the integration of the Clench Relief Alignment Guide (CRAG) into the fitting process makes the accuracy and efficacy of the precise bite location predictable in minutes.  The design and shape of our standard orthotic is the same shape of laboratory made mouthpieces that address various dental concerns related to optimized TMJ relief  jaw positioning and muscle relaxation.

How do you get a custom fit with no lab?

By using our patented, proprietary Clench Relief Fit material along with the Clench Relief Mouth Piece frame and an anterior Alignment guide is the key to the custom-fit, no lab, orthotic!.

ClenchRelief mouthpiece with anterior alignment guide attached, and extra fit material illustrated.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to get a custom fit with no lab.

1-Mix two balls of our proprietary Clench Relief Fit Material PVS base and catalyst together  for 30 seconds until the materials are well combined.

2-Roll the combined PVS into a cylindrical shape resembling a hotdog and split in equal halves..

ClenchRelief custom fit material

3-Pack Each Half Underneath Each Side of the Mouth Piece Frame  (the word “clench relief is upright to determine top and bottom of the frame easily) with Alignment Guide Attached:

ClenchRelief mouthpiece with anterior alignment guide attached and extra fit material.

Pack each half underneath each side of the Clench Relief Mouth Piece frame. The frame serves as the outer shell of the orthotic for packing the material correctly and holds the PVS effectively  when placed in the mouth. Make sure the anterior Alignment guide is attached to the front of the mouthpiece.  The alignment guide helps in maintaining the desired forward-centered position of the lower jaw while the posterior newly placed PVS halves begin to set.

4-Patient closes gently on the attached Alignment Guide and Holds for 3 minutes :

Patient engaging ClenchRelief mouthpiece with his teeth to get the right fit with the custom fit material before it sets

This allows the PVS material to set and take the shape of the  patient's bite filling the space between the upper and lower molars.  The upper posterior teeth will be indexed into the PVS while the lower posterior teeth will have a snug complete fit.

5-Trim Excess Material:

ClenchRelief Mouthpiece with excess fit material, before trimming.

After about 10 minutes, once the PVS material has fully cured, trim any excess material that may have extended beyond the mouthpiece frame.

6-Remove the Alignment  Guide:

Carefully remove the anterior Alignment guide from the mouthpiece. The Clench Relief Mouthpiece is fully completed in minutes!  No lab and a custom fit!

It's important to note that this procedure should be carried out by a qualified dental professional who is familiar with the specific materials and techniques involved. Proper fitting and adjustment are crucial for the effectiveness of the mouthpiece in providing relief and improving jaw alignment.  Please ask us for a Clench Relief Certified Dentist near you.

Whats included?


  • 10 Mouthguard frames
  • Fit material enough for 10 frames
  • 10 alignment guides
  • Instructions

Bulk Kit

ClenchRelief Bulk kit 3D model illustrated.


  • 1 Mouthguard frame
  • 2 sets of fit material
  • 1 alignment guide
  • Mouthguard case
  • Instructions

Starter Kit

ClenchRelief Starter Kit 3D model illustrated.
Get ClenchRelief Pro RX Mouthpiece now

Think its too good to be true?

Here is what some dentists think about ClenchRelief Mouthpiece
Super quick and easy to make without a lab and it works great!.  Many patients do not want to spend a lot of money on a splint if they are not sure it will even help them.   I start them out with the Clench Relief Mouthpiece  for a quick and inexpensive way!
John Cargasacchi DDS
Periodontics & Dental Implants
Dr. John Cargasacchi , DDS
I make a lot of money using this device!  Not only does it help my patients feel great but it enables me help my patient relieve their jaw pain and allows me to continue with deeper comprehensive  TMJ care!
Patrick Dorman DDS
Anchorage Cosmetic Dentist
Dr. Patrick Dorman, DDS
“The Clench Relief mouthpiece is great for my patients who are clenchers and bruxers!  I can make it in the office in under ten minutes with no impressions or lab needed! My  patients like wearing as it helps them relax and feel good”
Bernard L. Greenbaum DDS
Sleep Apnea Dentist, Bethesda
Dr. Bernard L. Greenbaum, DDS

Why ClenchRelief?

The Clench Relief Mouth Piece PRO RX is a simple, inexpensive, innovative, FDA cleared TMJ medical device that allows the lower jaw to relax into the  “Zone of Comfort” !  Allow hyper-active muscles to relax.  Say Good-bye to Head-aches, Jaw pain, Muscle and Neck tension and More!

Start your patients TMJ disorder therapy with our Gateway TMJ Device!

When you or your hygienist says to the patient that signs of wear and grinding appears on your patients tooth surfaces, you can now recommend a simple device to help understand the level of treatment needed and the patient can walk out of your office in minutes with the Clench Relief Mouthpiece.  Over a period of 3 months, the Clench Relief Mouthpiece will determine simply if the patient is a candidate for a higher level of professional care.  Too many patients are unaware that they have TMD or they wait too long before being treated   That will no longer be the case with Clench Relief Mouthpiece made in minutes!

Created for Short term use and immediate Relief!

The Clench Relief Mouth Piece PRO RX allows for comfortable, relaxed posterior occlusion in a correct physiologic position..  This keeps the condyles concentric in the glenoid fossa unlike a anterior device (NTI)  that moves the condyles superiorly into a non-physiologic correct position.   Fabricate the Clench Relief Mouthpiece in minutes with no lab, or occlusal adjustments and be your patients hero with same day treatment!

Holistic Drug Free Approach

Treat TMJ for chronic head-aches and neck pain without medication or botox!  The Clench Relief Mouthpiece is a drug free way to stop chronic head-aches and jaw pain..  By repositioning the mandible into the “Zone of Comfort” with the muscles and jaw joint, patients will feel better.  This orthotic design is the same used by TMJ experts for years!

Anterior Alignment Guide makes it Easy to find Relaxation

Find out if muscle tension, facial and neck pain , teeth grinding and clenching vanish with our short term  TMJ orthotic. The clever use of the Clench Relief Alignment Guide (CRAG)  will easily locate the perfect jaw position for TMJ relief.  It will keep the patients lower jaw centered and forward during fabrication. Our innovative bite technology is the key to finding the relaxed jaw position.

Pre-order ClenchRelief Pro RX Mouthpiece now

Advantages of ClenchRelief Mouthpiece

Clench Relief
Laboratory Made Splint
NTI or Similar Device
No lab needed
Quick and easy to fabricate
Bite position registration can be replicated for a long term orthotic use
Immediate delivery
Custom comfortable fit
Sets up for a pain-free physiologic long term bite position.
Easy and quick to remake or reline
Bite position can be used as a bite registration for complex TMD cases
Inexpensive to make
Needs no occlusal adjustment
Jaw Condyles placed in a concentric position in the glenoid fossa

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the Clench Relief Mouth Piece cleared by the FDA?

Clench Relief  is FDA 510k cleared for short-term treatment of TMD pain and associated headache and bruxism, and for relief of muscle tension in the head and neck. Clench Relief is patented,

Does the Clench Relief Mouth Piece cover the lower or upper posterior teeth?

Clench Relief Mouth Piece PRO RX  is designed to fit over the lower posterior teeth .  The upper teeth are indexed into the fit material  for patient comfort since the VPS will flow through the lattices of the mouth piece.

What  allows the patients to achieve a bite in the “Zone of Comfort” with the Clench Relief Mouthpiece?

Creating a balanced posterior occlusion with no anterior contact with the lower jaw in a forward-centered position can indeed be beneficial for certain dental conditions or treatments. Here’s why it works!
1.    Balanced Posterior Occlusion: This refers to achieving an even distribution of forces on the back teeth (posterior teeth) when the jaws come together. This balance helps in keep the muscles calm and relaxed and minimizes stress on the jaw joints.
2.    No Anterior Contact with the Lower Jaw and centered over the wear patterns of the teeth: This means that when the jaws are in a closed position, there is no contact or pressure on the front teeth (anterior teeth) of the lower jaw since its purposely suspended and centered above the wear facets. This can be important in cases where there are issues with tooth wear, jaw misalignment, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems since the muscles have created these wear patterns over time.  The Clench Relief Alignment Guide is beneficial in allowing the patient to end up in this corrective physiologic position!
3.    Forward-Centered Position: The lower jaw (mandible) is positioned forward from its usual biting position as the muscles can relax more.  This forward positioning can be beneficial in situations by improving airflow during sleep and patients can wake up without muscle soreness or tension.
4.    Clench Relief Fit Material: The Vinyl Polysiloxane fit material is beneficial in the fitting process as it engages into the spaces of the upper and lower posterior teeth while the patients is closed onto the anterior alignment guide. This process is designed to help maintain the relaxed and centered position of the lower jaw as guided by the alignment guide while the fit material hardens over the next ten minutes.

Overall, the goal of using these tools and techniques is to optimize jaw alignment, reduce strain on the teeth and jaw joints, and possibly alleviate head-aches, neck and muscle pain and certain dental or sleep-related issues. It's important for these procedures to be carried out by qualified dental professionals who can assess the individual's specific needs and tailor the treatment accordingly.

How long should a patient wear the Clench Relief Mouth Piece?

The Clench Relief mouth guard is designed for short-term use, typically up to 3 months. However, it can be worn for longer periods if necessary, but it's recommended to check both the patient and the mouthpiece every 3 months. This ensures that the mouth guard continues to provide the desired relief and remains in good condition. The VPS (Vinyl Polysiloxane) material used in the mouth guard can be switched out at these intervals to maintain hygiene and functionality.If the Clench Relief Mouth Piece has been effective for the patient and they wish to continue wearing a mouth guard for long-term use, the dentist can then consider transitioning the patient to a long-term lab-generated orthotic that holds the patient in a similar jaw position  The dentist will assess the patient's needs and recommend the appropriate course of action for continued TMD treatment and management. Regular follow-ups and adjustments may also be necessary to ensure the orthotic continues to meet the patient's requirements.

Can I can take a bite registration for my lab with Clench Relief Mouthpiece frame and alignment guide for restorative prosthodontics?

Yes, you can take a bite registration using the Clench Relief Mouth Piece. Whether you choose to use the frame with or without the alignment guide depends on the specific needs of the patient and the type of restorative or comprehensive dental treatment being planned.Using the Frame with Alignment Guide:

1-If the patient has any history of  clenching, grinding, or TMJ issues, then the Clench Relief Alignment Guide is integral to achieving the desired jaw position and comfort, you can use the mouthpiece with the alignment guide to take a bite registration.  We advise doing a phase 1 fixed “trial bite” orthotic first in this bite position and allowing the patient to “test drive” it before going to final porcelain restorations.  This will ensure that the new bite location is comfortable with muscles and joint are in the optimum position.

Using the Frame without Alignment Guide:

1-If the patient's focus is on restorative or comprehensive dental treatment, and the specific jaw position enforced by the alignment guide is not required for the procedure, you can use the Clench Relief Mouth Piece Frame without the alignment guide to take a bite registration.

2-You can also remove or cut some of the plastic lattices in-between the molar pads of the frame so that the patient can touch their own teeth together and remain in CO during the bite registration.

It's important to communicate with the patient and understand their treatment goals and dental concerns before deciding whether to use the alignment guide during the bite registration process. Additionally, consulting with the restorative dentist or prosthodontist who will be performing the comprehensive dental treatment can help in determining the most appropriate approach for taking the bite registration with the Clench Relief Mouth Piece.

Does insurance cover the Clench Relief Mouthpiece since its an FDA cleared RX prescription only Mouthpiece for TMJ,

Yes!    The Clench Relief Mouthpiece is is an FDA cleared medical device for TMJ, head aches and muscle tension and can be billed to dental insurance  companies for reimbursement.

How do I keep my Clench Relief Mouthpiece Clean?

We recommend cleaning the Clench Relief Mouthpiece with just water and a tooth brush.  Just gently brush the entire mouth piece. and thats it.   After 3 months, you can swap out the Clench Relief Fit Material and replace with a fresh new set..

The innovative dentist that made it all possible:

Dr. David Frey headshot

David Frey DDS

TMJ and Cosmetic Dentist
Dr. David Frey is not just Beverly Hills' go-to cosmetic and TMJ dentist for over 35 years; he's also the mastermind behind the revolutionary Clench Relief Mouthpiece. His expertise and innovative patented "single visit" technology offer quick relief to those battling jaw pain and TMD symptoms. Dr. Frey's trusted hands have cared for a varied roster, from the stars and dignitaries to the sports elite, all seeking both well-being and a winning smile.

His impact stretches beyond his practice; as a recognized public influencer, he's brought his cause to the limelight as he work graced the cover of People magazine  along with a multitude of segments on networks like TLC, NBC, and FOX to name a few.  Dr. Frey has shared his knowledge in his  authored book "Physiologic Dentist" and through contributions to respected peer reviewed journals.

At home in Los Angeles, Dr. Frey is a family man, sharing life's journey with his wife Stephanie and their two children. His professional journey is marked by a balance of humor and heartfelt commitment to health and happiness.

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Available - Fall 2024
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